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Academic Technology Asynchronous Professional Development

Each short course listed below will provide you with the knowledge and skills to use Canvas, Zoom, and Canvas Studio more effectively as an instructor. You can work at your own pace at a time that works best with your schedule. When you complete a course you will earn a badge and receive credit in NMSU's training management system.

Please review our Workshop Prerequisites and Recommended Courses page before registering.

Introduction to Canvas:  course card image
The course will provide instructors with an orientation covering Canvas Announcements, Files, Syllabus, Modules, Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes, as well as key integrations like Zoom and Canvas Studio. Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course

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Canvas Homepages Using DesignPlus:  course card image
This course will show instructors how to create a Canvas Homepage using the Canvas Rich Content Editor and DesignPLUS, and provide best practices for creating an effective course home page. Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course.

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Canvas Assignments & Discussions:  course card image
This course will show instructors how to create and edit assignments, create and facilitate discussions, review and assess student submissions, and effectively utilize rubrics for assessment purposes within Canvas. Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course

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 The Quiz Tool in Canvas: course card image
This course will give you the understanding to unlock the full potential of Canvas quizzes including: random question draws, interpreting post-quiz statistics, working with DAS requests, and even how to import and use publisher quiz material. Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course

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Using Modules in Canvas: course card image

This course will demonstrate how to use the Canvas Modules organization tool to structure course content by week, unit, or topic, simplifying student navigation and ensuring a sequential flow of course content. Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course

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Using the Canvas Gradebook: course card image
This course will teach instructors how to use the Canvas Gradebook to input, manage, and release grades; and provide best practices for using the Gradebook to communicate with students, provide timely feedback, and support student success. Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course

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Using Canvas Studio Course Card
This course will help instructors to use Canvas Studio's intuitive tools to create and deliver interactive learning experiences for students. Canvas Studio makes it easy to incorporate instruction, assessments, and additional learning opportunities right within the video experience.

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Zoom in Canvas

This course will help instructors utilize Zoom in Canvas to schedule, launch, and manage meetings. Learn how to manage video recordings, reports, data, best practices, and more! Select the registration button below to learn more and enroll in this free course.

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Student Groups and Collaborations
This course is designed to help instructors effectively utilize Canvas's group and collaboration features. Participants will learn how to create, manage, and monitor student groups for assignments and discussions. You'll also discover how to facilitate student collaboration using integrated tools like Google Docs, Office 365, within Canvas Collaborations.

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Turnitin In Canvas
This course will introduce you to Turnitin Tool features and functions, as well as academic technology resources available to you. Turnitin is an originality checking software that encourages original work by checking submitted papers against web pages, student papers, and leading library databases and publications.

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More Coming Soon
More Coming Soon
Join us for live help, virtually! You will find the Academic Technology Virtual Open Lab link and hours of operation under the Faculty & Student Help menu in Canvas.
Call: (575) 646-5125

Short Courses For Students

Empower your students to become skilled Canvas and Zoom users. Consider sharing the student courses below in your course syllabus, course announcement, or resource page.

Ticket To canvas orientation
Pack your digital bags! You are about to embark on a journey to learn how to use Canvas as a New Mexico State University student. NMSU's Ticket to Canvas course provides everything you need to know to successfully use Canvas for your courses.

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Zoom for students
As a student at NMSU, it is important to learn how to use Zoom effectively. "Intro to Zoom for Students" provides an overview of NMSU Zoom and Zoom in Canvas. Learn to create and attend meetings, collaborate with peers, manage recordings, and more. Mastering Zoom is an essential component of your success as a student!

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Draft Coach for Students

As a student at NMSU, you have free access to Turnitin Draft Coach. Turnitin Draft Coach helps students improve their academic writing and research skills by providing instant feedback. You can address unintentional plagiarism, improve citation skills and correct grammar mistakes.

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